It's about time that you loose some of that weight Kelly - celebstalk



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Saturday, February 16, 2019

It's about time that you loose some of that weight Kelly

I think breasts that are 'out of proportion' -in the sense of having them in size up to a point they distract your facial characteristics- in a big turn off for women.
Kelly at her prime looked gorgeous, but now that she has put on some weight, I think her breasts are getting in the way of her beauty. I don't know about  you, but I find 'them' distracting, even though I may sound like a harsh critic, I'll always speak up my mind.

I think it's a good thing that she is not a 'super model' anymore and that she's loving her new role as a radio presenter -a career in which one doesn't have to 'feature' his/her body- otherwise, it'll be quite disappointing. From the side she looks okay, but from the front, things are out of proportion. Again, I'm not trying to discredit her or look down on her, but I'm just saying, baby, them boobs they 'downgrade' you!

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